The person who said that there is one universal truth, is absolutely right! Terribly terribly right! Yes. But of course there is, as there always tend to be, a slight hitch. It is up to us mortals to figure out what that truth is.
Now during the course of a day you come across many things. People, situations, polar bears, images, sounds, elbows, smells and what not. And we try to analyse all these things to make everything sense making, or understandable. We slot it in our overly organised and highly intelligent human brains, in the things-that-have-been-figured-out folder. (yes our brains have folders doesnt yours!!) And if two people are presented with say, the same image or situation, the two people will analyze and in most cases they will come to two different conclusions. That is because how we interpret things depends on our background, gender, life experience, opportunities and general outlook in life. That does not mean that any of them are wrong. It just means that from their position, knowledge and experience it is how it makes the most sense to them.
Look at abstract art for instance. Some people look at a painting and might see (snort!) "a dusky evening with the wind whipping the leaves of a forest while the sun is slowly setting", while others just see two squiggly lines with a dot alright!!! (hmph! the writer of this post has no imagination) (please disregard those who interject in brackets) (the writer of this post doesnt respect difference of opinion) (Oh shut up and off with your head!!) sigh. anyway, yes, interpretation!
And then now lets look at textual interpretation. For instance take this line from Julius Caesar:
"I am constant as the Northern star"
Now someone might say Caesar is saying he is very firm in his beliefs. Another might say it means that Caesar has a tendency to hover very still in high altitudes in Northern locations. Hmm. But anyway, both are very valid points. Of course Shakespeare might have meant something totally different and the poor chap might be turning over in his grave by the misinterpretation of his work by puny humans!
Nevertheless, both those are two people's interpretations. And one of them cannot say it is THE interpretation because the first person's interpretation comes from his or her position as an analytical deep thinking single person who likes animals and solitary walks on the beach (sigh!), and the other interpretation comes from the other persons position of being a veritable loony! But again, equally valid positions and equally valid standpoints.
Now one of them cannot put their interpretation in, for instance, brackets within the text, and say that is what it means. Like writing: "I am constant (hovering very still in mid air) as the Nothern star (Northern locations)" and claim it is what it means. And that is because whatever is in the brackets is a personal subjective interpretation. Even if a section of the population believes in that interpretation, it is still an interpretation.
So, the journey towards finding the ultimate truth of life is long and laborious. And in the process you will meet people who will interpret it in different ways, or believe in other people's interpretations that is different than yours. That doesn't mean any of you are wrong or any of you are right. It just means people are different and interpret things differently. So all we need to do is try with all our might to put up with and get along with each other! Otherwise, life becomes such a chore doesnt it...
(It was two squiggly lines and a dot!!!)
: )