Monday, April 19, 2010

Interpretation Explained (...for dimwits)

The person who said that there is one universal truth, is absolutely right! Terribly terribly right! Yes. But of course there is, as there always tend to be, a slight hitch. It is up to us mortals to figure out what that truth is.

Now during the course of a day you come across many things. People, situations, polar bears, images, sounds, elbows, smells and what not. And we try to analyse all these things to make everything sense making, or understandable. We slot it in our overly organised and highly intelligent human brains, in the things-that-have-been-figured-out folder. (yes our brains have folders doesnt yours!!) And if two people are presented with say, the same image or situation, the two people will analyze and in most cases they will come to two different conclusions. That is because how we interpret things depends on our background, gender, life experience, opportunities and general outlook in life. That does not mean that any of them are wrong. It just means that from their position, knowledge and experience it is how it makes the most sense to them.

Look at abstract art for instance. Some people look at a painting and might see (snort!) "a dusky evening with the wind whipping the leaves of a forest while the sun is slowly setting", while others just see two squiggly lines with a dot alright!!! (hmph! the writer of this post has no imagination) (please disregard those who interject in brackets) (the writer of this post doesnt respect difference of opinion) (Oh shut up and off with your head!!) sigh. anyway, yes, interpretation!

And then now lets look at textual interpretation. For instance take this line from Julius Caesar:

"I am constant as the Northern star"

Now someone might say Caesar is saying he is very firm in his beliefs. Another might say it means that Caesar has a tendency to hover very still in high altitudes in Northern locations. Hmm. But anyway, both are very valid points. Of course Shakespeare might have meant something totally different and the poor chap might be turning over in his grave by the misinterpretation of his work by puny humans!

Nevertheless, both those are two people's interpretations. And one of them cannot say it is THE interpretation because the first person's interpretation comes from his or her position as an analytical deep thinking single person who likes animals and solitary walks on the beach (sigh!), and the other interpretation comes from the other persons position of being a veritable loony! But again, equally valid positions and equally valid standpoints.

Now one of them cannot put their interpretation in, for instance, brackets within the text, and say that is what it means. Like writing: "I am constant (hovering very still in mid air) as the Nothern star (Northern locations)" and claim it is what it means. And that is because whatever is in the brackets is a personal subjective interpretation. Even if a section of the population believes in that interpretation, it is still an interpretation.

So, the journey towards finding the ultimate truth of life is long and laborious. And in the process you will meet people who will interpret it in different ways, or believe in other people's interpretations that is different than yours. That doesn't mean any of you are wrong or any of you are right. It just means people are different and interpret things differently. So all we need to do is try with all our might to put up with and get along with each other! Otherwise, life becomes such a chore doesnt it...

(It was two squiggly lines and a dot!!!)

: )

Monday, April 12, 2010


We the team at XResistance are all confused and disoriented. We are all running around like headless chickens bumping into humans, walls and each other! Total chaos and befuddlement reins! Why you ask? Well, the world as we know it has turned on its axis and we are all in a major state of disorientation.

Now, when we were growing up in the 70s 80s and 90s (yes we took three decades to grow up) we were taught that we should read and understand religion. We were taught concepts, we questioned and learnt things in class. Sure there were naysayers, and some teachers and parents discouraged questions, especially the difficult and controversial ones, but the general consensus was one should ponder religion and resolve the big questions in life in order to strengthen our faith and ageedha. So generally it was all good. Until the 2000s came up.

Then things started to change. We were told that only a certain people with certain qualifications knows religion. They are the only ones who can talk about it. We cannot question anything they say, its forbidden. People who question are very bad bad people. Logic is forbidden. Rational thought is forbidden. Basically all brain activity is forbidden. We shouldn't think at all about things, just accept what we are told. Because what they say is the ONLY way to think, act and behave.

So then we started the (surprisingly quick!) process of killing off our brains. I mean if there was no use for it we might as well do away with it altogether. 'sides, it'll make the body more energy efficient and the head lighter as well. Plus it meant no thinking and wondering about cumbersome questions like aren't those men that marry more than one woman in this country, when there are less women than men, taking potential mates away from other men? No no, no need to ponder about things like that.

Anyway, after we almost achieved the comforting coma of mindlessness DISASTER STRIKES!! We suddenly hear that the ever informed world renowned Zakir Naik is coming to town!

Now at first, in our mindless state, this was not an issue. This person is quite the Celebrated Orator and Memorizer of all the holiest books on either side of the equator! Not to mention, many a kaffir that dared to question his holier-than-thou-ness has been blistered and vapourised into non matter!

Now we heard that there was this slight matter of him not having relevant qualifications to be a scholar. Now who needs qualifications if thousands of people follow him? (Or an ounce of humility for that matter). And in his defense his loyal subjects are pointing out on radio and blogsphere, quite rightly, that everything you need to know is in the Holy Book, and you just need to read and understand it.

And then suddenly it strikes us! Larger and louder than a thunderbolt!! He had no qualifications! He learnt things by himself! He read things, understood things and learnt by himself?? HE USED HIS OWN BRAIN??? GASP!!! That means people can do that? People can learn religion by themselves and talk about religion to other people? Travel the world and spread their version of what they read? Its allowed?? NO frikkin WAY!

Just as we recovered from the lobotomy and adjusted to the alternative reality where people cannot read, understand and learn by themselves, the same people who told us to kill off our brains are bringing someone who TAUGHT HIMSELF??? What are you trying to do us!! What are we going to do now? Start growing back our brains? Keep our brainless state? What? What? Whaaaaaat??

So you can understand the state we are in. We are in limbo. And very angry. And very confused. If we had known that this was allowed would never have let this happen. WE could've travelled the world with our families and two rabbits too! Now Milky and Imelda will never see the world. Sigh....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Rise of the Harassees!

Imagine our astounded astoundment when we checked the news today! Our dedicated fervid local newspaper was carrying an insightful report on sexual harassment! And not only that, it said that a bill on illegalising sexual harassment is going to be taken up in the Parliament floor!

Two hours later, after we woke up from a euphoria induced comatose stupor and collected our wits, we thought hats off to you Haveeru and all its good people. Especially the writer of the report Mr. Hassan. We would kiss you all over if that was not sexual harassment!

Well the point of this article is yet again to recognize the good that is going on in society – like we said at the beginning we are trying to beat Team Negativity. We dont mean over the head with plastic chairs as was demonstrated by our cool MPs and political activists during the entertaining albeit somewhat disillusioning showdown on the artificial beach but over the head with our words and our superior wit and sheer positive thinking (yes we did take a turn for the better since our last glum episode and now feeling collectively peachy-keen-and-dandy).

We wholeheartedly support the bill illegalising sexual harassment. We also appeal to the MPs to ensure that you do consult with people who know more on the issue before the big debate. Yes, yes, we do certainly know that you are all experts in everything too but in addition, perhaps just run the bill by another expert?

One thing that we would also like to say is that while this is very important mainly to women, sexual harassment law should protect all people from unwanted sexual advances. After all, since the removal of the gender bar, we could have a woman president any day now!

Anywhoo, today's a day for celebration so we're all off for smoothies!
