Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Annnnnnnddddd we're back!

So apparently fighting til "death" for Solution Naseer means fighting til some dude with a calculator gets fired. Seriously, I've met some crazy hoots in my time but this one takes the fruitcake! Now all our gate scaling practice had been in vain.

However, we XResistance ers are all feeling quite morose these days. Yes all of us. We feel exactly the same at all times. We are like those groups of fish in the ocean that glides along and switches direction all at the same time. We are a wonder of nature. Anyway, the general feeling amongst us is melancholy. The world is overcast and dismal. The mood glum.

Therefore at this troubled times we really feel, as you tend to do in such times, the need to express some gratitude to certain people. So here we go:

We thank the brave souls who went to talk to our President to express concern about some very angry and very intolerant people in this society. More power to you.

We thank President Nasheed for talking about these concerns and inviting difference of opinion to be expressed.

We thank all those hordes of women who called in radio stations the day after the President's radio address and took back the concept of a woman's right to choose back a couple of centuries!!! Sigh. We sincerely hope that a day does not come that you feel threatened to express your views.

We thank our fearless civil society for coming out and saying officially what a lot of people are afraid to say. You inspire us.

And finally, we say congratulations, hurrah and she's a jolly good fellow to Guin Batten, who successfully made the crossing, rowing across the ocean between Huvadhu atoll and Fuahmulah in little over 7 hours. Not bad for a mere female we say!

Ah, the clouds seems to be lifting....


  1. I, General Shadowrunner, will dispel these dark clouds of doom and despair from your minds!. Visit pizzahouse.blogspot sharp at midnight tonight.

  2. this is a poem called WHEN about arab countries
    written by a saudi poet.reminds me of a non arab country i live in...

    When you cannot find a single garden in your city, but there is a mosque on every corner - you know that you are in an Arab country…

    "When you see people living in the past with all the trappings of modernity - do not be surprised, you are in an Arab country.

    "When religion has control over science - you can be sure that you are in an Arab country.

    "When clerics are referred to as 'scholars' - don't be astonished, you are in an Arab country.

    "When you see the ruler transformed into a demigod who never dies or relinquishes his power, and whom nobody is permitted to criticize - do not be too upset, you are in an Arab country.

    "When you find that the large majority of people oppose freedom and find joy in slavery - do not be too distressed, you are in an Arab country.

    "When you hear the clerics saying that democracy is heresy, but [see them] seizing every opportunity provided by democracy to grab high positions [in the government] - do not be surprised, you are in an Arab country…

    "When monarchies turn into theocracies, and republics into hybrids of monarchy and republic - do not be taken aback, you are in an Arab country.

    "When you find that the members of parliament are nominated [by the ruler], or else that half of them are nominated and the other half have bought their seats through bribery… - you are in an Arab country…

    "When you discover that a woman is worth half of what a man is worth, or less - do not be surprised, you are in an Arab country…

    "When you see that the authorities chop off a man's hand for stealing a loaf of bread or a penny, but praise and glorify those who steal billions - do not be too surprised, you are in an Arab country…

    "When you are forced to worship the Creator in school and your teachers grade you for it - you can be sure that you are in an Arab country…

    "When young women students are publicly flogged merely for exposing their eyes - you are in an Arab country…

    "When a boy learns about menstruation and childbirth but not about his own [body] and [the changes] it undergoes in puberty - roll out your prayer mat and beseech Allah to help you deal with your crisis, for you are in an Arab country…

    "When land is more important than human beings - you are in an Arab country…

    "When covering the woman's head is more important than financial and administrative corruption, embezzlement, and betrayal of the homeland - do not be astonished, you are in an Arab country…

    "When minorities are persecuted and oppressed, and if they demand their rights, are accused of being a fifth column or a Trojan horse - be upset, you are in an Arab country…

    "When women are [seen as] house ornaments which can be replaced at any time - bemoan your fate, you are in an Arab country.

    "When birth control and family planning are perceived as a Western plot - place your trust in Allah, you are in an Arab country…

    "When at any time, there can be a knock on your door and you will be dragged off and buried in a dark prison - you are in an Arab country…

    "When fear constantly lives in the eyes of the people - you can be certain that you are in an Arab country."

  3. Runner you renegade!! We'll get you yet!

    and @Anon please dont freak us out like this! We are already a huddled shivering mass about 2012!

  4. Cmon, you gotta admit; suckering some repressed homosexual haabees to post their sick shit on that chatbox was WORTH IT.
