Monday, March 29, 2010

Temporary Break in Transmission

XResistance team is very busy heeding the call of the distinguished Mr. Solution Naseer to fight til death! Yes we are. Even as we write we are brushing up on our skills of scaling up gates and shaking 'em. Its not as easy as it looks aright!

And not to mention we are also extremely preoccupied figuring out what the
frikkin hell we are supposed to be fighting for.....???

Anywhoo, once we get our limbs and brains in co-ordination we shall be back.

And in the meantime FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!..... for.. erm... something or other...


  1. yes, dont be gone too long...

  2. @Simon and InSanity
    Aww thanks blush blush!

    But we deeply apologise for cutting short your missing us time. Its quite unfortunate and totally non intentional.
