Monday, March 22, 2010

Freedom of Expression Explained (...for dimwits)

The right to express what you feel is very important in a democracy. Especially in a democracy such as ours where the people are ripe and ready-to-eat. Hmm. Anyway, freedom of expression is a very fundamental right. It is important in a democracy because it allows for people to participate in processes of decision making. It also makes the big people more accountable. The little ones too. In fact it enables people of all sizes to be more accountable. It also allows for a very vibrant society where ideas are discussed, debated, opinions are expressed. The society moves along and evolves. It skips along and frolics in the sunshine. sigh!

So basically the reasons behind freedom to express yourself are constructive, good-for-the-society-and-all-man-and-womankind sort of reasons.

BUT if you hate a certain segment of society, say........ harmonica players! and you just cannot stand them and you want exterminate them, unfortunately expressing this view does not, i repeat NOT, represent freedom of expression. And I'll tell you why. Read very slowly now because this will be very complicated for you.

See, you can have your right of freedom of expression. But harmonica players have their right to life, so wanting to kill em off infringes on their right to live. They are both fundamental human rights alright. So unfortunately for you your right ends where someone else's right begins.

There's also this very inconvenient principle for harmonica player haters. Its called the "harm principle". That principle basically says that limitations can be put on your freedom to express if it includes any harm to others. And lets just agree to agree that death is very harmful for a person.

So, bottom line, moral of the story etc etc: Unfortunately, even though you are entitled to have the opinion that all harmonica players should be killed, executed, exterminated and crushed, you cannot publicly express that opinion because
a) it infringes on the basic rights of harmonica players
b) it might incite harm to harmonica players
c) its not freedom of expression its HATE SPEECH which is illegal in almost all sensible countries and
d) you are pathetic get a frikkin life!!!


  1. a damn good piece. i am awesomely bad at comprehending abstract ideas and concepts but boy this made sense like porn.

  2. Erm.. thank you. We aim to be useful. Just like porn.

  3. Let me get this straight. so i cannot throw garbage on MY street? i dont get it!

  4. @InSanity
    Dont worry it will be alright. Stick with us and we shall make you even more confused!

  5. but but but i am entitled to my voice my opinion arnt i! i want to say 'death to those who dont agree with me?' can't i? what good is it then!!!!
